Full Name
Dr. Sue Keay
Job Title
Robotics Australia Group
Speaker Bio
Sue is the Chair of the Robotics Australia Group. Previously, she has been Research Director for Cyber-Physical Systems at CSIRO’s Data61. An experienced R&D leader, she has a PhD in Earth Sciences from the Australian National University and an MBA with UQ Business School. With a focus on disruptive technologies, Sue set-up the world’s first robotic vision research centre and led the development of Australia’s first Robotics roadmap, outlining how robotics and automation will impact on every sector of the Australian economy. She loves the challenge of building communities across distributed sites. She is a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and chairs the Board of Robotics Australia Group and serves on the Board of the CRC for Optimising Resource Extraction and Women in Robotics International, and is responsible for bringing the Grace Hopper Celebration to Australia.
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